Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A little good news

No, we haven't received our adoption papers yet but...

Yesterday there were....
-two extra kid friends with us all day which was great

-we spent most of a beautiful, sunny day at a public outdoor pool with plenty of friends and snacks

-not only did we get to have pizza but there was also ice cream!

-our oldest son's room, being built in the basement, is nearing completion - hopefully in the next few weeks we will be painting it a eye wateringly perfect (in his opinion) hue....

(picture is of current room on main floor he wishes to replicate colour in new room)

and he will be able to move in and we will be able to move much of the stuff out of the play room and therefore make it so it can be played in again

-This time next week we should be happily camping on a beautiful lake with good friends

-Bunny decided to "groom" our wire haired dachshunds herself and (unlike my attempt last year which resulted in bald patches and embarrasing questions on the street from strangers) they look adorable (and it saved us like $80 bucks)

-kind words have been filling the comments to my post yesterday and my email and knowing that I am not alone is worth everything - thank you all.


ipodmomma said...

many times when I have felt at my lowest the sun shines and life feels good again...

much love to you all!

Granny said...

Glad today is better.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

When I was a kid my parents let my brothers paint their room in three huge stripes of yellow, red and orange (BRIGHT) from one side, across the ceiling, and down the other side. I don't know how they slept in there but they did. I am glad to hear you basement is looking good again!

Have fun camping at the lake.