Sunday, November 4, 2007

Snow on the roof

The garage is still unfinished.

For the sake of myself, I am not going to even go there as to why we are in the first week of November and have a garage with half of a roof on it...I probably will some other time but I won't right now....

So, our guy is supposed to come over, four minutes ago by my clock and probably try and convince me that it is totally safe for him to prance around up there in the slippy stuff bodily dragging heavy 4 x 8 sheets of strand board -

There are reasons NOT to hire a friend to work for you.

My back is a tiny bit less spasmy today, we are seeing the counselor tomorrow and the husband, younger children and I are visiting with the semi-delinquint birth brother this afternoon.
What with him being out of the pokey and all and staying in yet another lovey motel with a special ambiance, all of its own - Johns are so colourful after all - and no I haven't done anything like talk to the minister of social services about it yet - there was a big expose in the paper a few months ago about it and I expected that to have an effect ....
it didn't.

Did I mention the big doofus pulled a knife on a police officer?
While under the influence of drugs of course.

La la la la la la la la la la la....

must eat lunch, am on Weight Watchers online so no meetings for me and yes, I think I signed up because during the visit with my Mom - she commented on how I get being heavy and big from my Dad's side of the family.


1 comment:

ipm said...

don't know if I've mentioned this but WW is a pretty good program and helped me to lost a LOT of excess pounds...

but that's a whole other kit'n'kaboodle... hope eldest daughter had a good b-day... we're fighting with Elle and her dismal grades at this end...

public school... what a two-edged sword!